The problem: Onchange with select tag(dropdown box)
Short answer: list-style code is not recommended
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Post details: Gang, I am using the OnChange event with the drop down box populated with countries.....but only works when certain countries are chosen. When a country is chosen the OnChange event fires, passing a variable to the same page using the location.href. Once this is done the onload within the body tag calls the function SetFocus() to the First Name text box.....which does not always work either. Here is the code:
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function CountrySelected() 
        if (document.form.Country.value == "United States")
		 location.href="web address?Country=United States";
		if (document.form.Country.value == "Romania")
		 location.href="web address?Country=Romania";
// several lines same as the above

<form name="form" action="" method="get">

<select NAME="Country" SIZE="1" onchange="CountrySelected(document.form.Country.value)">
<option VALUE="<%=CountrySelected%>"><%=CountrySelected%>
<option VALUE="Australia">Australia            
<option VALUE="Austria">Austria
<!-- several similar options  -->
<option VALUE="United States">United States